Thomas J. Rundquist (231) 796-4637 Voice/Fax email |
Thomas J. Rundquist, M.A., L.P.C.
AWARDS AND HONORS ENTREPRENEUR Management Smarts May 1997 has an article featuring the original test Racial Attitude Test that is now Cultural Diversity Test. In addition, it was included in Public Relations Society’s Trend line Tactics June 1997. Thomas J. Rundquist listed in MARQUIS Who’s Who in Media and Communications. Horse is Boss now (Drug Culture Monopoly) originally in Detroit Sunday News 1970 and the 2nd Edition in the Grand Rapids Press 1987 is included in NIMCO and National School Products Health Catalogs sent to schools throughout the States. Listed in Anthology of the Foundation for the Advancement of Art in 1980 as a Young and Promising Artist. Only two artists were included from Michigan. Tom’s Art selected to be on Art Communications International Juried CD-Rom. Of 10,000 applicants, only 323 artists were selected by a prestigious jury of art critics, and New York City gallery owners. Thomas J. Rundquist listed in the International Biographical Centre: 2000 Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century and their THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AWARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT. A Limited Edition Print published in Art Business News as an example of promising art March 2002 spoke on Westwood One Radio Network of 1400 radio stations about my games for health education and especially my new Drug Addict Trivia Game. Businesswire Expert Source When certain news issues regarding drug rehabilitation and use arise in the media, my email and phone number is released to reporters as a news expert source. I was on the Michigan Democratic Policy Committees Crime and Drugs, Education, Higher Education, Human Rights and Welfare and National Health Care. Was the Democratic Candidate for State Representative (D) 100th District and was the Party picked Candidate for U.S. Congress (D) 4th some years later. 32 degree Scottish Rite, Past Master Councilor, Representative DeMolay TEST SCORES STRONG VOCATIONAL INTEREST BLANK 12-27-68 Predictions Note: Top of Scale is 63. Specialization Level: 69 Occupational Level: 76 Physical Combat Proficiency Test Performance Report July 23, 1968 Ft. Riley The Company was the Best for the Entire Advanced Leadership Camp 1968. I was the only 2yr Senior Army ROTC Graduate that was in the Honor Units for I was offered a Regular Army Commission if I signed off on my hearing loss. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS
Licensed Professional Counselor License Continuing Secondary Certification with Guidance Endorsement Real Estate Agent License with all the classes for Broker Former Securities License for selling Mutual Funds Dollar Cost Averaging Plans
Venture Capital Potential Nova Media Inc. Incorporated in Michigan 1981 with 40 million non par value Class A Stock Assets include Nova Counseling Associates Inc., Nova Travel Inc. 25 copyrights, original art, limited edition prints, and good will, dealerships listed with Franchise Annual, Business Opportunities Handbook, and real estate. While a SCOR U-&7 filing is possible for a few thousand in fees if one has a loyal customer list. Probably an I.P.O. using over the counter or a stock exchange such as the Vancouver is a more likely possibility. For there have been few SCOR that have worked successfully and the only stock exchange willing to list SCOR stocks after a certain time is the Pacific. And there are those who just buy the majority ownership in a bankrupt public corporation. Then change the name. There are Securities Firms that specialize in this. At least I have heard that there are. Going Public creates many daily headaches and expenses. The only reason I see is to gain business partners one would not be normally able to get as a private corporation. Or to reward investors and employees who you might not be able to pay what they are worth except with stock options. Just remember I had a Securities Licenses, and studied the process of going public at different times over the last 30 years for my own corporation and how others went about it. |
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