1724 North State Street, Big Rapids, MI 49307-9073 * Voice & Fax: [231]796-4637


What is the best time of day to reach you at your home phone number?                                                                  

How long have you been  searching for a business?                                                                                                    

Why are you looking for a business opportunity?                                                                                         


What aspects of your previous employment have you enjoyed most?                                                                    _


What  aspects of your previous employment have you enjoyed least?                                                                     


How did you become aware of Nova Review Inc.                                                                                                 _____


When would you like to open?                                                         Where?                                                                 

To what extent would you  be involved in this business?                0  Full-Time    0  Part-Time

                                                                Spouse?                  0  Full-Time    0  Part-Time


Would anyone else be involved?  0  Yes      0  No     If yes, Who?                                                                        __


Have you  ever been a principal owner of a business before?   0  Yes   0  No   If yes, please explain-                  


Have you or your business ever been involved in a bankruptcy?    0  Yes   0  No

Have you ever been convicted on a felony?  0  Yes    0  No

Please indicate any previous experience in the following:

Business Management                                                                 Computers                                                            

Accounting/Budgeting                                                                  Retail  Sales                                                      

Outside Sales                                                                                Printing or Graphics                                           


Please feel free to enclose any additional personal or financial information you feel will assist us.

The information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge as of this date.  It is

understood that Nova Review Inc. will rely upon this information in evaluating our application.  Unless I have expressed otherwise in writing, consent is given for a credit report to be obtained by Nova Review Inc.

We will not contact any present employers until express permission is granted. I understand this information will be held in strict confidence and that the delivery of this form does not cause either  party to incur any obligations.


Applicant Signature                                                                                              Date                                            

Name of Business:         The Heavenly GoldcardTM  , Cultural Diversity Testing Associates, Inc.Ô 

Parent Company Name (if different): Nova Review Inc 

Contact Person:                Thomas J. Rundquist

Address:    1724 N. State

City, State, Zip:Big Rapids, MI, 49307-9073 USA

Telephone:  231-796-4637 Voice/Fax   email  Website  

Number of Units (excluding compnay owned)            1  Units are in Midwest states.  In    0  countries.

Number of Company Owned __1_  Territory Code:(1-10) _1_ Franchise Fee:($)  18,000

Capital Requirements: __$18,000 - 41,300__________________In Business Since______1981_____

Business Classification (Check all that Apply)  Franchise___  Mail Order___ Distributor___ Vendor___Dealer__x_ Direct Sales___ Licensor__x_ Manufacturer___ Other___________ Category___66___


Description of Operation:  Good Deeds &Penances  Goodwill Card                                                           

Training and Support (Y or N):  Y     Financing (Y or N):    Y      




Description of Operation:  Goodwill Card for church and non profit fund raising.    Each month statement would list by code “Good Deeds” and other various items.  This would be used for either a donation to a nonprofit or rewards for using at area merchants or the purchase of the Cultural Diversity Test.


Financing Options:  Assist with equipment leasing                


Training and Support Proved:  After tracking, e-mail, fax, and phone assistence along with website.      

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